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Trump Supporter Organizes Massive Trash Clean Up In Baltimore


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1 hour ago, Quack 12 said:

Quick civics test:

Which government entity is responsible for things like water, sewage, vector control, waste management, etc?

A) The municipal government

B) The state government

C) The U.S. congressional district

EDIT* Why does B (no space) close parentheses have to make that smiley face?

Baltimore's last two Democrat mayors have had to resign due to corruption.  Was that your point?  This echo chamber of leftist dipshitism  is amazing to read.  Who is Cummings supposed to represent, by the way, if not the people of his congressional district?



I think it's horrible that the Pac12 Board White Male Squad automatically view people first on the color of their skin.  Was Cummings being racist in his words?

That's as racist as it gets.  Liberalism is a mental illness.


What did Rep. Cummings mean when he called his own city "drug-infested", Pac12 White Male Squad?   Talking points aren't out yet, Squad?

4 hours ago, PapaG said:

What is “racist” about pointing out the horrific conditions of half of Cummings’ congressional district?

@PapaG    Are you going to acknowledge that Trump didn’t ever say “half of”?

When you are as concerned with the truth as you are, it’s important to speak the truth.

14 hours ago, KUGRDON said:

 this was a racist attack by Trump but 


Could any of us ever imagine typing this so casually in a defense of the president of the United States — that it doesn’t even stand out?

This is how Trumpism normalizes completely odious and unacceptable behavior.

What will it take for us all to say, with one voice, that we have had enough? The question is less about the president’s sense of decency, but of ours.

—The National Cathedral


14 hours ago, PapaG said:

What did Rep. Cummings mean when he called his own city "drug-infested", Pac12 White Male Squad?   Talking points aren't out yet, Squad?

No, but you certainly have the talking points out, don't you?  I see this was a recent addition to fox news and you're sucking it up like the mewling baby bird you are.

16 hours ago, PapaG said:

What was racist about what Trump said?  Cummings himself called it infested years ago.  What has Cummings done to help the people he is supposedly representing in the 20 years since he said those same words, you racist?  Do you like people in this country living in horrific conditions while their reps are at the border not representing their own voters, racist?  What's it like being ignorant because you're an incurious dipshit, racist?


Cummings Calls Baltimore "drug infested"

Democrats, and the media have called President Trump a "racist" for saying, "Baltimore is rat-infested"... This video reveals that Elijah Cummings has said the exact same thing about the district he is supposed to represent.


Image result for drop mic gif

16 hours ago, PapaG said:

Baltimore's last two Democrat mayors have had to resign due to corruption. Was that your point? 

Precisely! Look at you with the fact-checking!

Does Cummings bear some responsibility? Of course he does. So does Trump, does he not? 


54 minutes ago, Quack 12 said:

Precisely! Look at you with the fact-checking!

Does Cummings bear some responsibility? Of course he does. So does Trump, does he not? 


What for?

20 hours ago, PapaG said:

What is “racist” about pointing out the horrific conditions of half of Cummings’ congressional district?  Cummings seems more interested in perpetuating the Russian Hoax and yelling at border agents than he does representing his district of 23 years.

you white liberals don’t give a fuck about the violence and squalor in the inner city neighborhoods you created.


He is a retard who depends on tweets for all his opinions.


Maryland’s 7th District — which he attacked as a whole — has a median income above the national average. One must assume he was referring mainly to the black-majority city’s nearly 23% poverty rate, which he supposedly cares deeply about.

It’s puzzling, then, that his administration has reversed, undermined, and flat-out attacked a number of federal policies that were specifically designed to help people in poverty gain access to housing and health care, feed their families, and thrive.

For instance, Trump’s Office of Management and Budget has proposed a regulatory change that would alter the way the government determines which families are impoverished, a move that would cut millions of Americans off from benefits such as Medicaid, housing assistance, and food stamps.



LMAO!!!!  That is lazy analysis!  That district includes a wealthy county (Howard County) that helps bring that median household income number up.  

Howard County: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_County,_Maryland


Baltimore County (7th district serves part of that district): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore_County,_Maryland


And isn't there any gerrymandering invovled?





And this man was in the White house.

Image result for Obama gif



17 hours ago, PapaG said:

What did Rep. Cummings mean when he called his own city "drug-infested", Pac12 White Male Squad?   Talking points aren't out yet, Squad?

Elijah Cummings was born, raised, and represents Baltimore in Congress.  The man has earned the right to speak about that city, because he's dedicated his life to that city.

Trump has dedicated his life to nothing more than verbally masturbating about himself, and cheating and stealing his way to the top at the expense of ANYONE vulnerable.

That's the fucking difference, asshole.

Just now, Jalapeno said:


Rats in NYC as well.


Matter of fact, if your city DOESN'T have rats, that probably means your food sucks and no one wants to live there (to paraphrase Trevor Noah)


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