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September 11

Guest KamUte

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I didn't sleep well last night as I re- lived all the images from 10 years ago. Inded it changed our lives. It took away some our innocence and our world as we knew it will never be the same.


A few out there hate us as a country and continue to attempt to take away our freedom yet would move here in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.


I did not know anyone that lost their life that day but we are all still feeling the aftermath of the damage.


My 7 year old asked me what happened. His questions were innocent but still brought up past feelings. December 7 was the day my Parents remember as one of the worst days in American history. September 11 is the day I will always remember.


Thoughts and prayers still go out to the families of the victims as well as the survivors. Don't ever forget.

Guest Bone Crusher

I was living at my parents' in Alexandria, VA which is just 10 minutes away from the Pentagon. After working the graveyard shift at Target the morning of 9/11, I went straight to bed and given that I am Deaf myself, it would truly take something to wake me up and that very morning, it happened when the sonic boom of the F-16s that flew from Norfolk towards United Flight 93 which crashed in a farmfield in PA. Some neighbors said that they had broken windows from that sonic boom.


I will not forget having to drive down I-395 towards DC and seeing the burned out wreckage on the side of the Pentagon.


After 9/11 happened, I was there to exprience the heavy security they had in DC and the area. If you wanted to ride the Metro, you would expect at least one military police officer /civilian police officer in full uniform and live ammo in that gun with an accompanying police dog. While on campus at Gallaudet University, you needed more than one hand to count the number of helicopters, planes, and gunships hovering the skies. At night, you would see those helicopter with search lights all over the place...that was as close to a police state as you could get. That didn't really ease up until several or a few years later.


This is what would see on the subway everyday after 9/11...those cops are ready to take anyone out at any moment's notice.




No posts and here it is 1 year later.


Are we safer? Do we still think America is a totally different place?


I don't. I think it's just another tragedy in history, perpetrated by the have-nots against the haves, with the excuse of religious extremism to motivate the perpetrators. Talking about 9/11 exhausts me. I always dread the anniversary.


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