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Cowboy Up

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  1. Don’t get me wrong Dems definitely have made some policy is etc… that have hurt the US. But if you are so partisan that you think the GOP hasn’t done some equally stupid stuff then maybe we should agree to disagree and ignore each other.
  2. It’s possible on the morals and pride thing but electing the fucking scumbag we did isn’t going to fix that lol
  3. Grilled PBJ with bacon?
  4. Here I thought this thread would be about @AztecAlien’s mom… she’s packing on a little weight lately and I definitely make her scream!
  5. Naw… yer kinda in the wrong here man. Just let it go I say
  6. Basically the only person who claims it falling apart is Orange Jesus and his retarded minions. lol…
  7. Yeah he’s soft as baby shit…
  8. Morals and values???? You are fucking kidding me right? You voted for who? Lmfao… you are either the best troll on this board or the dumbest mother fucker? Idiot or genius… I haven’t figured you out yet.
  9. I can vouch that she gobbled my hog… so at least one!
  10. JFC… elites? Trump??? Musk??? You are so god damned clueless it isn’t funny. I’m not a fan of Dems either but if you think Orange Jesus gives two shits about saving America you are literally dumb as a sack of hammers! Edit…America doesn’t really need saved in my eyes. Problems, yes but not in near as bad as shape as Orange Jesus claims
  11. Good lord you’re a dolt
  12. And wipes his butt? Or changes his diapers?
  13. Gen X is the forgotten generation…. Part of it and I can vouch. Such a different childhood than the generations before and after I think.
  14. Mike, Seriously not what I wanted to read today. I know we’ve battled and I’ve been a prick on here. I hope you see this and know that I’m truly sorry for some of the stuff I’ve said. Praying for you!
  15. My grandparents had an old scout. Drive like a tank!
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