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    fucking strippers at the party
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  1. Keep fighting Mike. I’m rooting for you. You’re a righteous dude and you can beat this shit.
  2. Damn. Reads like something out of a Marquis de Sade novel lol. def some “Juliette” vibes
  3. Greater Palatka is a weird fucking place lol
  4. lol it’s revenge of the ai chatbots here people don’t seem to realize they’re arguing with bots
  5. It’s all been a downhill slide into general serfdom since the invention of agriculture tbh.
  6. I was just on a fairly primitive and remote tropical island for 2 weeks and I’d never felt more peaceful.
  7. I’m about as libertarian as Goldwater on most issues but on this I totally agree. Its the bane of our existence.
  8. Absolutely. Absent some kind of exotic investment income if all you file is a W2 and you’re some middle to lower income person your chances of bring audited practically don’t exist. enforcement actions and audits cost a lot of money so its actually probably cost prohibitive to do so anyway. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze
  9. Agreed. Latvia fits that bill as well.
  10. No clue about Estonia but the Finns would kick the Russkies ass in a war. They have a wildly competent and modern armed forces.
  11. Another icon gone. RIP legend. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/movies/david-lynch-dead.html
  12. Ruthless ‘cos that’s my label
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