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  1. Despite your middle aged obsession with insults centered upon the male phallus, crown prince Christian isn’t going to fuck you. And Denmark doesn’t vote on succession..
  2. Secession you confederate wannabe’s.
  3. Californians surrendering to Denmark without firing a shot is too perfect. Even French Canada has more of a spine.
  4. Clinton’s comptroller of currency has an analysis out today in Politico. It is not broadly detailed as Furman’s but they paint the same picture of how the administration, the economic intelligentsia, and the Democratic Party more broadly completely misunderstood the economy. Data is only as useful as the story it can tell. When the inputs were tailored to tell a rosy story the broader truth was missed. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2025/02/11/democrats-tricked-strong-economy-00203464 Take, as a particularly egregious example, what is perhaps the most widely reported economic indicator: unemployment. Known to experts as the U-3, the number misleads in several ways. First, it counts as employed the millions of people who are unwillingly under-employed — that is, people who, for example, work only a few hours each week while searching for a full-time job. Second, it does not take into account many Americans who have been so discouraged that they are no longer trying to get a job. Finally, the prevailing statistic does not account for the meagerness of any individual’s income. Thus you could be homeless on the streets, making an intermittent income and functionally incapable of keeping your family fed, and the government would still count you as “employed.” I don’t believe those who went into this past election taking pride in the unemployment numbers understood that the near-record low unemployment figures — the figure was a mere 4.2 percent in November — counted homeless people doing occasional work as “employed.” But the implications are powerful. If you filter the statistic to include as unemployed people who can’t find anything but part-time work or who make a poverty wage (roughly $25,000), the percentage is actually 23.7 percent. In other words, nearly one of every four workers is functionally unemployed in America today — hardly something to celebrate… …The prevailing government indicator, known colloquially as “weekly earnings,” tracks full-time wages to the exclusion of both the unemployed and those engaged in (typically lower-paid) part-time work. Today, as a result, those keeping track are led to believe that the median wage in the U.S. stands at roughly $61,900. But if you track everyone in the workforce — that is, if you include part-time workers and unemployed job seekers — the results are remarkably different. Our research reveals that the median wage is actually little more than $52,300 per year. Think of that: American workers on the median are making 16 percent less than the prevailing statistics would indicate. …In 2023 alone, the CPI indicated that inflation had driven prices up by 4.1 percent. But the true cost of living, as measured by our research, rose more than twice as much — a full 9.4 percent. And that laid bare the oft-quoted riposte that wage gains outpaced inflation during the crisis following COVID-19. When our more targeted measure of inflation is set atop our more accurate measure of weekly earnings, it immediately becomes clear that purchasing power fell at the median by 4.3 percent in 2023. Now to be fair, Ludwig’s alternative method of organizing indicators are prone to the same weaknesses the prevailing ones. And it may prove to that this post-hoc analysis of the recent past may not be as explanative over time. But for now he and Furman both agree, the traditional numbers were weighted in a way which misled those that wanted the public to believe them. And the broader public saw something else very different than what was being sold to them. Furman outlines the political problem here gently. Proponents of the Build Back Better agenda, in convincing themselves that the hot economy was transformative for workers, appeared oblivious to the genuine concerns of the electorate. Biden’s supporters and policymakers, especially those who have denied the effects of inflation, insisted that voters grossly misunderstood the economy or attributed Vice President Kamala Harris’s loss in the 2024 presidential election solely to a global rejection of incumbents. It is possible that just the portion of inflation caused by global shocks would have been enough to doom any incumbent party’s reelection chances. But adding to that inflation with unnecessary spending, minimizing the suffering it caused, and touting an imaginary boom in infrastructure and manufacturing surely did not help Democrats. The new economic philosophy that dominated during the Biden years emphasized demand over supply. It considered concerns over budget constraints overstated and placed its faith in predistribution as a way to change the trajectory of the macroeconomy. It promised policies that could simultaneously transform industries, prioritize marginalized groups in procurement and hiring practices, and serve broad social goals. Ultimately, this post-neoliberal ideology and its adherents did not take tradeoffs seriously enough, laboring under an illusion that previous policymakers were too beholden to economic orthodoxy to make real progress for people.
  5. I’m pretty laconic going so far as to use gifs because words are hard and that still doesn’t get across to this crowd. Y’all could just listen to me and always be right but no, it’s always gotta be the hard way.
  6. Precedent has been set. Indeed.
  7. Touch grass, guys.
  8. It’s pledged but there is no money allocated to fund any of it just like back in December. It can’t be funded because Trudeau prrrrrooorrrrooogued err, just shut down Parliament to avoid a no confidence vote that would oust the liberals. Canada made a promise with their lame duck government that they can’t live up to and nobody else can negotiate with Trump because they’re all locked out until after the 30 day hold on tariffs expires.
  9. The NDP is not going to save them from a no confidence vote any longer when they want to become the opposition party. Parliament can’t be called back into session to fund the border deal Trudeau just broadcasted with the Conservatives striking a no confidence vote. Why would any of the parties in question, the conservatives, the NDP, Canadian voters want to save a lame duck liberal government to negotiate with Trump when they all want them out of there?
  10. Embarrassing Trudeau was reason enough for Trump. I don’t think it has to be more complicated than that.
  11. Lmfao Makers Mark, Knob Creek, Wild Turkey. That’ll do it Canada
  12. It doesn’t slap his hand. It taxes your own citizens. That’s how tariffs work.
  13. I’ve never not argued against tariffs. So I’m not sure what you’re saying. The thread is filled with posts about how Canada can react stupidly cheering them on. I just pointed it out. oh and also
  14. No, they’re arguing Canada can inflict serious damage in a trade war when they can’t. Some seem to be rooting for Canada because they hate Trump but I write that off as them being quisling losers all along but who cares. None of it is about the merits and drawbacks of tariffs.
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