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  1. You're really skilled at taking bird shots, I'm definitely taking pages out of your book.
  2. I don't know... Is giving the US more power TODAY making the world a better place? Kinda reminds me of that virus game where your virus is all basic and safe and infects everything, then you turn up the deadlyness to 10 and everyone is f*cked. Plague inc, that was it. The US isn't really going in the direction of "good of the world" right now...
  3. MOS def!
  4. Shakira/J-Lo was my fav recent one
  5. Been playing the Monster Hunter Wilds Beta this weekend and it's been a blast! So excited for this next iteration. If anyone has ever been interested in trying out this series, the beta is free this weekend and next weekend and I highly recommend checking it out.
  6. Just finished the Burning Shores yesterday. I really enjoyed the DLC. It was a lot more streamlined than the main game and the fight against the Horus was one of the most stunning, cinematic, and epic boss fights I've ever experienced in a game. That sequence alone was worth playing the game.
  7. Thanks! That actually helps a lot. It's $1000 NZD, which is approx $600 USD for the set.
  8. Overall, the A6000 might be a bit too expensive for me beginning. What are your thoughts on a setup like this with the three lenses and the d5600 vs the d3500 from nikon? Around $600 USD? https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/electronics-photography/digital-cameras/digital-slr/nikon/listing/5157274776
  9. Completely agree. Normal salted food gives you plenty of Iodine, it's the added salt I'm worried about... My dad's side of the family has all died from MI and/or CVA. No cancer. Makes me worried about my salt intake.
  10. Heh, that's out of my scope. I do work closely with a nice dietician though. I have the same question, I could run it past her 🙂.
  11. Sounds perfect. With everything in life, it's all about BALANCE. I have a similar diet. My snack of choice these days is seeds and nuts. Have one large meal to splurge on: a hearty meat meal. While balancing with smaller, more vegetable, non-meat proteins meals like chick peas or beans. However, I don't know what side of "healthy" I am. I have a soft spot for salty food. And I will snack on chips and popcorn all day, but shy away from chocolate and sweet desserts. In NZ it feels like its easier to be healthy because there are less options for "unhealthy" food. I've lost 10lbs here while eating the same amount I thought I always have. Maybe the food is just that much healthier out here or maybe I got a worm or something lol.
  12. I will say it's cheaper to eat healthy food home cooked then going out to a restaurant and eating healthy food prepared. I will also say it's cheaper to eat shitty food at home than it is to go out and eat fast food. Where the two merge? That's the debate I leave to you guys. 😎
  13. What's the definition of healthy vs unhealthy? Low fat and sugar? What about low salt? Not just lacking fats and sugars, but actually enriched with vitamins, minerals, etc? Everyone here arguing has their own definition of "healthy", but continue on.
  14. https://www.wcsboard.com/index.php?/topic/46228-trump-shot/page/33/#findComment-278093
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