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  1. Elon is the government, and he’s here to help….
  2. I fart in your general direction!!!
  3. Don’t you dare spoil it for me…
  4. I don’t think you’re a shitbag, born. more like a different kind of bag….
  5. Hate? Heck, he’s great!!! Provides the most target rich environment I’ve ever seen.
  6. I used to work for now deceased RadioShack, and they were (rightfully) roasted publically for firing people via email. I survived that one but left for greener pastures at FedEx not long afterwards. Shit like this does nothing for an organization. Certainly doesn’t make them ‘more efficient’.
  7. In the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield… ”now I know why tigers eat their young”
  8. Self awareness. look into it.
  9. Poor AA…
  10. A few years ago he was like a lot of rich businessmen - donating to both sides based on who could help his businesses out. On a national scale, he was a nobody.
  11. Thus proving my point…
  12. He vacillates between being confused and being confusing.
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