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The San Diegan

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  1. Dude. With all the formative memories and stories you've shared from your time in SD, you really preferred... [checks notes] Kansas?
  2. A true Constitutional crisis. If I understand correctly, it is the Marshal's office who is supposed to enforce Judicial rulings, but they serve the Executive branch. MAGA is one step away from ass fucking both our democracy and the exhumed bodies of our founding fathers. Smh...
  3. HEY! Get that DEI shit outta here! We don't need no flying midget ladyboys herding butterflies when there's a perfectly capable white dude with a gun!
  4. These cunts are actively advocating for ignoring court orders that rule against his Fatness. And yet the derpy MAGA cuntmonkeys will continue to jerk off with one diseased monkey paw while happily flinging poop all over the Constitution with the other. #Murca
  5. MAGA would have cheered for Joaquin Phoenix's character in Gladiator.
  6. Over $8 for a dozen on Saturday. What happened to MECA? LET'S GO DONALD! 🙄
  7. Dude I don't understand... SEVEN pages and you don't mention Eddie even ONCE?!? 😀 I'm just playin'... that's an impressive CV, Mike. Also, how did it escape my attention that YOU ARE AN AZTEC FOR LIFE? 😎
  8. Got to try both the 2023 and 2024 Maker's Cellar Aged last night. Went into it with a little bias as the whiskey tube community seems to largely prefer the '23. But found the '24 to be like the '23 on steroids - more punchy, more complex, and a longer finish. Not sure I'd pay SRP for either tho.
  9. In case anyone's interested: Fred Minnick's Top 100 American Whiskies of 2024 My bourbon sherpa buddy has a bottle of the LB Infinite he's yet to crack, but considering LB Ch7 was what got me hooked on high-proof whiskey, I'm looking forward to trying it.
  10. MPGA! 🙄
  11. Let's not forget the other agencies under threat:
  12. I do think it's nice his staff tries to perform an exorcism each morning. Don't think it's worked yet tho. 😬
  13. GTFO.
  14. Here - let me make you feel safer:
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