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  1. “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.” Your quote made me think of it and the idea of philosophical fallacies being a cosmic entity older than humanity that we can barely understand tickled my fancy a bit.
  2. Who knew that Lovecraft was writing a very extended metaphor about philosophical fallacies?
  3. Maybe if you were roughly the same age? Brain plasticity decreases a lot as you get older. Also, from our conversations you've been taking care of yourself, he is not.
  4. "being smarter than someone just means that you're riding a faster horse. it doesn't mean that you're going in the right direction"
  5. He is clearly a genius. But he has also clearly fell down a right wing, disaffected loser men rabbit hole. I don't think that means he was never smart. I think that means that anyone can fall down the rabbit hole. you, me, whatever.
  6. ah yes. that settled economic theory that oil shocks are solely due to governmental policy also what economic theories are "settled" lol economists hate economists
  7. Denmark's in NATO. How much more bound at the hip can you get?
  8. halfman likes to do this sometimes. he takes silly, kinda stupid policies and decides to defend them ironically. unfortunately he is persuasive so he ends up persuading himself that this dumb idea is actually a good idea and will champion it. gets exhausting.
  9. That is a great summary. For me it also belies the dangers of having a gerontocracy. The economic indicators that Biden was using were right in his era. The gig economy wasn't a thing. Luxuries were expensive, housing and food was cheap. The numbers you quote for, say, 1986 would have been incredible. But it isn't 1986 and as your pull quotes so effectively convey, they no longer communicate the economic reality on the ground. If you don't own a home right now, you are in a world of hurt, paying more for rent while seeing home ownership get further and further out of reach. There is a lack of full time positions and scraping by on uber or holiday amazon work doesn't cut it. You can get 10 good TVs for the price of a month's rent. Meanwhile in 1980, a color TV cost around 700 dollars and the monthly rent was around 250 dollars a month. Trumpism for me appears to be just plutocracy barely cloaked. But just because I think the Democrats are less worse does not mean that I think they aren't steaming piles of shit. They aren't even able to articulate the actual problems that most people are facing, let alone solve them. Even more egregious, when they do actually do things that help huge swaths of the country - CFPB, lowering drug costs - they seem constitutionally incapable of letting people know the what and why of it. The incompetence is infuriating
  10. dude don't go full retard
  11. that is your assertion lmao. what opinions? you stated falsehoods. nobody said "you must like the halftime show". i just said kendrick isn't a mumble rapper, and the show wasn't universally panned - it was reviewed as either awesome or awful lol. Yes. Saying that I can't know what mumble rap is because I'm white is racism dude. Not just racism at me being white, but racism at the idea that the only people who consume mumble rap have to be not white. Randomly? Motherfucker you brought up race three times before I called you on it.
  12. Swift's concerts are about highlighting Swift Kendrick's show was a 20 minute broadway production. Themes in the dancing, the stage, the tracks. easter eggs everywhere. Striking visuals, surprise cameos, the works. It's also much less accessible. that's fine - as renoskier pointed out, it just wasn't for him. it was only even borderline for me lol. but it's the difference between a knock knock joke and a well crafted satire. I think the NFL looked at their average fan age creeping up and said fck it. boomers who don't get it are watching the super bowl anyway. we need something to connect to people who wouldn't be watching otherwise.
  13. dog harping on me being white making me unable to know that kendrick isn't mumble rap does not make you seem less racist
  14. nobody threw out racist accusations for not liking the show lol why are you a non stop bullshit machine
  15. my man. knowing that kendrick isn't a mumble rapper is not "final authority on rap music" territory. it is "knowing the beatles had 4 guys" territory
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