This board encourages discussion on a wide range of issues relating to the PAC-12 Conference and college sports. However, there are some rules that you must agree to, in order to become a member and post on this board.
1.) Please avoid profanity. While this forum will use a filer to help screen out common profanities, some posters use inventive typing and spellings to get around the board filters. While we want to support engaging discussions, we want to aim for a degree of mutual respect.
2.) No Pornography. Please do not post nude or semi nude pictures. There are a million places to find those pictures on the web, but this site is for pictures related to the PAC-12 and its teams. Posting pornography will result in your account being suspended and banned.
3.) Be respectful of others and avoid hateful attacks. This is a sports board and aggressive discussion on sports topics is the norm. However, when the discussion becomes more personal, your account may be suspended or deleted. Please refrain from attacking people based on race or religion. Racist propaganda will not be tolerated. Trying to state why persons of a certain religion are 'going to hell', will not be tolerated. The web is full of sites where these are the focus topics. This site is not intended to be a place to spread hate.
4.) No nuisance posts. This board does not remove posts or delete fans from other schools or conferences. We don't consider posters from other schools or conferences to be "Trolls" simply because they sometimes provide articles or statistics that might have some 'spin'. However, do not post inflammatory material just to anger people with mindless attacks. We will delete "mindless angry trolls".
5.) Use the right board. There are boards for sports talk and non-sports items. Additional boards will be created as needed. Please try to keep combative discussions, such as politics, off the main sports board.
6.) No Copyrighted Material. This board is lightly moderated and thus, users must not post any copyrighted material for which they do not own the copyright. A brief description and link to an article is the best way to share this information. Please report any copyrighted material you see posted to ensure the moderators are aware of it.
7.) The moderators have the final word. The goal of the is to not strictly manage its members or posts. As you have noticed in the past, there is very little interference by moderators on this board. However, it should be noted that and its discussion boards are privately owned and operated. The only First Amendment rights you have here are those granted to you by the moderators. We reserve the right to strike any post at any time.
8.) If you are here to harass someone, you will be banned.
9.) It is a privilege to post here. Not a right.
If you do not follow these rules your account may be suspended. If you continue to violate rules, your account will be banned and deleted. We ban your IP address as well. Our goal is to suspend and delete only in the extreme circumstances of users using this board for purposes other than its intended purpose or blatant abuse of the rules.